
As states begin to re-open, some will see the increased economic activity as a sign that things will soon be back to normal.  However, as Jhumpa Bhattacharya noted in a recent conference call, we do not want to return to “normal.”  We want better than normal.

Ideally, we want policies that will eliminate the inequities magnified by the COVID-19 crisis.  However, sexism, classism, racism, xenophobia, and “fill-in-the-blank isms” are fused into the subconscious and conscious decisions of policymakers and voters.  So, the pragmatist in me strives to have WISER produce research that will inform policies to reduce the isms that mar the lived experiences of Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Multiracial women.

On #GivingTuesdayNow, May 5, 2020, please join me in supporting a nonprofit proving assistance to essential workers.  I’ll be donating the cost of my favorite Cinco de Mayo meal, nachos and a margarita, to the Central Virginia COVID-19 Response Fund.

Are you looking for a break from Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime?  If so, check out the latest episode of WISER Dialogue featuring social work students Cheldone Jones and Gina Vides.

Be well,
Rhonda V. Sharpe