365 Days To Share

Today, I’ll wrap up the portrait of the men and women in Himaja, Jerry, and my age categories with at least a bachelor’s degree. 

Many of the top 5 paid occupations for women are in the medical or finance (insurance) field.  

Table 1.  Median Income for Top Paid Occupations by Age Category for Women

Source: American Community Survey (ACS), United States, 2021 

Table 2 provides the median income for the top occupations for women (See WISER Wednesday 12/21/22).  If postsecondary teachers are college teaching assistants, and I suspect they are, I understand why many are organizing unions or striking for livable wages.

Table 2.  Median Income for Top Occupations by Age Category for Women

Source: American Community Survey (ACS), United States, 2021

Opportunities to Share 

There are 3 days left to complete your year-end giving. 

Please consider adding WISER to the list of nonprofits you support.  If your budget allows, consider giving monthly via recurring payments.

If you shop at Amazon, you can support us by using this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-1741783, and a portion of eligible purchases will be donated to WISER.

While year-end giving focuses on financial contributions, the new year brings 365 opportunities for you to share our emails, blogs, webinars, and research with your network (and social media).  Sharing WISER’s work connects us with policymakers and advocates who shape policies that create a more inclusive society. 

As I reflect on WISER’s year, I am grateful to the WISER Community for the many ways you supported our work in 2022.

Happy New Year,